7 Mistakes We Bet You Never Noticed In 3 Idiots
Given the unadulterated awesomeness of Rajkumar Hirani’s cult classic, we can understand if you were too wrapped up to notice these flaws, but for clarity’s sake, allow us to list down the seven mistakes that we bet you didn’t notice in 3 Idiots. Thanks MTV for coming up with this interesting article.
Mistake 1:
Mona Singh, who plays Kareena’s elder sister in the movie, is initially introduced by Boman Irani in the movie as Poonam. Yet, later on she is consistently called Mona by everyone, including her own family members. Split personality much?
Mona Singh, who plays Kareena’s elder sister in the movie, is initially introduced by Boman Irani in the movie as Poonam. Yet, later on she is consistently called Mona by everyone, including her own family members. Split personality much?
Mistake 2:
In the climax, Kareena is shown engaging in a video chat with Aamir and his posse using Youtube and Google Chrome, neither of which were created during the events which were said to have taken place several years prior to 2009. Unless of course, Rancho devoted some of his superpowers to developing some futuristic pieces of tech on the side.
In the climax, Kareena is shown engaging in a video chat with Aamir and his posse using Youtube and Google Chrome, neither of which were created during the events which were said to have taken place several years prior to 2009. Unless of course, Rancho devoted some of his superpowers to developing some futuristic pieces of tech on the side.
Mistake 3:
Farhan, who is shown entering an Airbus in his initial flight at the beginning of the movie, later lands in a Boeing. You’d think if he could use his superpowers to switch airplanes within seconds, he needn’t have faked a heart attack in the first place.
Mistake 4:
How people in real life hunt down their missing friends: Approach someone, the Dean’s daughter preferably, to look through the college records for an address or some form of contact.
How people in real life hunt down their missing friends: Approach someone, the Dean’s daughter preferably, to look through the college records for an address or some form of contact.
How people in Bollywood locate their missing friends: Twiddle their thumbs and wait around for their archrival’s secretary to accidentally take a photo featuring aforementioned friend.
Mistake 5:
Though neither Aamir’s real name Phunsukh Wangdu, nor his assumed identity of the Shimla based Ranchodas Chhanchad had anything remotely Gujurati about them, Kareena gives him chapter and verse about the weirdness of his cuisine, including dhoklas. Ah, poor Aamir. Misunderstood on so many different levels.
Mistake 6:
After throwing the urn containing the real Rancho’s father’s remains down the toilet, the same lid is later featured in Rancho’s hand as he bids them farewell. Excuse us, while we try NOT to think about who was assigned the task of fishing it out of the toilet.
Mistake 7:
Ditto, with the Internet data card by a popular telecom service provider that the gang plug in for a video chat which definitely hadn’t been created in the period that the film is supposedly based in. Product placement – 1, Logic – LOL. Wrong number.