Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Shocking News Charmi Got Married???

Shocking News Charmi Got Married???

Charming girl Charmme Kaur become talk the town and tweet of the day with a single photo and comment. Punjabi beauty uploaded a photo with sari and having marriage costume commented below that with ‘Getting Married Today…’ words. This went viral in social media and entertainment media also.All of the film media focused on this comment for whole day by calling heroine’s nearest and her latest project’s persons. By late night all came to knew that she got married. But not in real life, got married in Jyothi Lakshmi movie

Charmme again posted photo and status on Social media “Finally married Oppssss forgot to mention it’s for ‪#‎JyothiLakshmi‬ ‪#‎purijagan‬”. Everyone guess this only but not confirmed because no one don’t knew when heroines will get married. Many of actress got married suddenly in a private places and given shock to all, so audience think that Charmme also may give this type of shock by a pre announcement

Finally Charmme had wed-locked but mad happy all of her fans. Rumors that ‘Jyothi Lakshmi’ movie is a biopic of legendry artist JyothiLakshmi but to avoid unwanted controversy Puri team were saying story not about dancer’s life. We have to wait for more two months to know what is the story, because 60days is enough for Puri to make a movie.
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